I want to hear your views on the Government’s plans to scrap district councils, small unitary councils like ours, and create new enormous unitary county councils serving 500,000 people.
The proposals put into doubt the future of Rutland as a county council.
I want to hold a public meeting to ensure Rutlanders understand what the Government is proposing, the potential outcomes of their proposals as I understand them at this time, and what different stakeholders are proposing in response to the required re-organisations.
The meeting will take place on Monday 27th January 6-7.30pm at the Victoria Hall in Oakham.
There has been no consultation with our community so I hope this public meeting will explain the process and more importantly give me a chance to hear your views given how significant this re-organisation could be for our county.
I will separately arrange a meeting with residents of Harborough. For Stamford, it is a different situation due to the Mayoralty being proceeded with, I will update you when I know more.
Please do register to attend below.