Alicia Kearns MP has officially launched her third annual Christmas Card Competition and is calling for entries from all primary school year groups. This year’s competition follows the theme ‘Christmas Carols’.
The winning card will be printed and sent out as Alicia’s official Christmas Card this year and Parliament teddy bears will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd prize.
Further details on how to enter have been sent out to our local schools. The deadline for submissions is Friday 4th November
Alicia Kearns MP, Member of Parliament for Rutland and Melton said:
“It would be wonderful to receive entries from all primary schools for my annual Christmas card competition following this year’s theme ‘Christmas Carols’. I have been blown away by the artistic talent on display over the past two years, so if there are any budding young artists out there make sure to submit an entry to your school before Friday 4th November! I look forward to seeing what creative ideas our local students can come up with and will be sharing the entries on my website and social media.”