Alicia Kearns MP has launched her first Christmas card competition for primary school-aged children in Rutland and Melton.
Our local MP is calling for entries from all year groups following this year’s theme ‘A Rutland and Melton Christmas’. The winning card will be printed and sent out as Alicia’s official Christmas card this year.
All entries will, however, be posted on Alicia’s website and social media.
Rutland and Melton MP, Alicia Kearns, said:
“I’m delighted to be launching my first Christmas card competition. I hope both parents and schools will encourage local children to send in entries and celebrate our wonderful local area.”
The deadline for submissions is 2nd November 2020, with all entries to be sent to: Alicia Kearns MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Ms Kearns has asked if parents and teachers could kindly ensure the child’s full name, year group and school name (if in school) and home town or village are included, providing they are comfortable sharing that information.