It’s been three months since I had the huge privilege of being elected to represent the good people of Rutland and Melton and I am humbled by the number of residents who have been so supportive so far.
I’ve been working hard for you in Parliament to champion expanded GP provision, tackle rural crime, uphold food standards and ensure our local roads are fit for purpose, but I believe it would be remiss of me not to address today what I know is residents most pressing concern - coronavirus.
There is no denying that this is the most significant public health issue this country has faced for a long time, but the Government has a robust and comprehensive plan to guide us through this outbreak. I believe this clear, coherent and holistic plan, guided by the best possible scientific evidence, provides our country with the greatest chance of tackling this outbreak while minimising damage to our communities and economy.
Over the last few weeks, the Government has implemented the ‘contain’ phase of this plan, facilitating valuable time to provide both the funding and legislation needed to tackle the outbreak head on. The Prime Minister announced last week that we are now moving into the ‘delay’ phase, meaning the focus is now on delaying the spread of the virus to minimise suffering and ensure the NHS is at peak readiness to manage cases as they arise.
For the UK to overcome this outbreak as quickly as possible, we need to provide extra support to our public services, those affected by the disease and businesses who may be unable operate fully in the coming months. Therefore, last week’s Budget was focused on ensuring our country has what it needs to bolster our economic resilience and provide support for economically vulnerable people and businesses.
The Government has created a COVID-19 Response Fund of an initial £5 billion to help the NHS treat coronavirus patients, for councils to support vulnerable people and to ensure funding is available for public services. The size of this fund will be kept under review.
The Government had already confirmed that those self-isolating will be able to receive Statutory Sick Pay from day one as opposed to day four, but in the Budget, the Chancellor established that self-employed people will be able to claim Universal Credit and access advanced payments without the current requirement to attend a job centre. I know this will bring some reassurance to the many self-employed residents of Rutland and Melton.
A range of measures to support businesses were also announced, with a 100% Small Business Rate retail discount introduced and expanded to leisure and hospitality sectors, including a £5000 yearly rates discount for pubs. The Government has also committed to refunding businesses with under 250 employees of their Statutory Sickness Payment costs and introduced a new temporary Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme to support businesses.
But, funding and support for economically vulnerable people and businesses can only go so far, and our focus must be on keeping us all safe and healthy.
One of the new measures introduced, is that anyone with coronavirus symptoms, however mild -either a new continuous cough or a high temperature - will need to stay at home for at least 14 days along with the rest of their household to protect others and delay the spread of the disease. If you live alone this is only for 7 days. This is because you are most contagious in the first four days.
In terms of testing, we are continually expanding our testing regime and only China, South Korea and Italy are testing more people than us. We have moved to hospital only testing to prioritise the vulnerable. If you have the symptoms, I understand you may want to know if you have the virus, but all that matters is that you self-Isolate for the required time so that you don’t pass on the flu, or virus, you have to others who are more vulnerable. You have a fever and cough and shouldn’t pass it on.
Now is also the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact with others and refrain from visiting pubs, clubs, theatres and other social venues. It is also the time to avoid all unnecessary travel and work from home if you possibly can.
The Government is asking those with underlying health conditions and those over 70 to refrain from all social contact for around 12 weeks, coinciding with the peak of the disease. This doesn’t mean you cannot leave your house to exercise, which we encourage as it doesn’t require contact with others, but you should try and remain from going shopping or being in contact with others. A list of health conditions has been published.
If your child has a chronic health condition or a parent or someone in the household does, please speak to your child’s school, and the NHS will contact your family if your child needs to socially distance.
I understand that social distancing and prolonged self-isolation are difficult and disruptive, but the Government has been clear that such extreme measures will only be introduced at a time when they will make the biggest difference and save the most lives.
A Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Resilience Forum has formed and is working to support our communities locally. There are also enormous community efforts in place locally and the community spirit of our area is alive with people helping one another.
If we follow scientific guidance and look out for each other, committing whole heartedly to a full national effort, the country will reduce the potential impact of this virus, but we cannot come out unscathed.
In the coming days and weeks, I plan to create a page on my website with a comprehensive list of all support available to Rutland and Melton residents throughout this outbreak. I hope residents will be reassured at the strength of our community coming together and supporting each other in such unprecedented circumstances.
In the meantime, I continue to raise your concerns with Ministers, seek to increase support for our local businesses who I’ve been advocating for, and to work to keep you informed. Please follow my social media and email me if you want to receive emails updating you on the Government response which I attempt to simplify.
I am completely committed to supporting every single one of you throughout this outbreak in whatever way my role allows.