FULL: Public Meetings on the Future of Rutland Wednesday, 22 January, 2025 Following the publication of the Government's English Devolution White Paper, including proposals to abolish district councils and create new larger unitary county councils, Alicia Kearns is holding two public meetings to discuss what this means for Rutland Council. Both meetings taking place at the Victoria Hall in Oakham have now reached capacity. Alicia expects to hold further meetings in... Local News
Young People and CVE: The EU Radicalisation Network 25th April 2018 It was great to join the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network for their Policy Practice conference in Madrid. A really positive session, providing guidance to... Speeches
Chemical Weapons Use In Douma Must Result In Real, Meaningful Action Against Assad 10th April 2018 The Huffington Post asked me to write on the situation facing Syria following the chemical weapons attack in Douma. In 2013 our Parliament failed to pass a vote... Articles
The Many Subtle and Insidious Forms of Holocaust Denial 30th January 2018 Alicia Kearns contributed to this important article about holocaust denial, and the insidious rise in anti-semitism in our communities. Alicia Kearns, a hate... Articles
Alicia Kearns addresses Conservative Party Conference 4th October 2017 I had the utmost privilege of addressing the Conservative Party Conference on Conservative efforts to build a strong economy. My speech can be watched here. Speeches
Alicia Kearns Gives Speech on Main Stage at Conservative Party Conference 3rd October 2017 Alicia Kearns speaking on the main stage at the Conservative Party Conference in 2017. Speeches
Empowering Credible Voices: Countering Violent Extremism 18th July 2017 I recently spoke at Defence IQ’s 16th Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) conference. I spoke on how to empower and deploy credible voices. Arguing that within... Speeches
EU Radicalisation Awareness Network 9th July 2017 Delighted to have presented at the inaugural meeting of the Radicalisation Awareness Network Centre of Excellence’s Civil Society Empowerment Programme in... Speeches
Syria: Air Strike by the United States 7th April 2017 Today the Syrian people feel less forgotten. That perhaps there is hope. That someone is fighting for them. That their peaceful revolution will not be... Articles
The Home of our Democracy, of our Values and of our Safety 22nd March 2017 Today let's not react in anger, let's not give credence to those who seek to harm us. Let's focus on the heroes who protect us, and sharing kindness with those... Articles