I want to begin by paying tribute to students across Rutland for their patience and resilience over the last few days. It has been an extremely difficult year for our children, and particularly those undertaking A-levels and GCSEs. I have spent the last few days speaking to students and parents about their results, and I know many people were disappointed with their initial results.
That is why I am pleased that the Government has listened and announced that students will be able to apply to university with their predicted marks from their assessment centres for both A-levels and GCSEs. It is clear that while the moderation process, which was supported by unions, the exam boards and all four nations, attempted to be fair, there were too many inconsistencies in results to be resolved through an appeals process. Many universities are honouring the new offers, but if you are a student who is having difficulty with your university of choice, please get in touch and I will take up your case for you directly with them and the Universities’ Minister.
The Government is also working tirelessly to re-open our schools. Schools are introducing measures to such as staggered break times, enhanced cleaning, and creating specified separate student bubbles as well as mandating increased handwashing. The Government has also introduced an extra £40 million for public transport, so that children can arrive at school socially distanced. I have every confidence in our schools to provide safe learning environments for our children, and indeed my own son has been safely back at nursery for some time without a single incidence of COVID-19 in the entire school.
The prevalence of COVID-19 has decreased significantly since March, and we now have a robust NHS Test and Trace system in place. In addition, the scientific evidence shows that COVID-19 presents a much lower risk to children than adults of becoming severely ill, although we will be vigilant for any outbreaks. Parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities can be assured that specific guidance and support has been given to schools.
There is also a real worry about missed time, which is why the Government has allocated over £1 billion so that schools have the resources they need to help primary and secondary students catch up. Re-opening schools is a huge undertaking, but if our communities pull together, we can achieve this. We have a responsibility to our children to get them back to school, and I thank our schools for all they are doing to prepare to open safely again.
I’d also like to quickly remind all those who are self-employed in Rutland, that the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme, which has already provided £12.6 million to residents in Rutland and Melton alone, has re-opened for a second round of support payments. Please make sure to apply before 19th October.