As rural communities we have very different priorities and needs to those towns near us. That's why I want to hear directly from you on what your feel we need as rural communities, and what challenges living rurally presents in your life.

Once I've received your responses to this short survey on our villages in rural Harborough, I'll study all the results and take your concerns to Government Ministers to get action on what matters most to us all.

Rural Harborough Villages Survey

  • Current National Issues
  • Your details
3. Do you think our rural Harborough villages are connected well enough to our local amenities?
6. Which of these rural towns do you feel most connected to?
7. Is your broadband coverage in our rural community good enough?
8. Is your mobile phone coverage in our rural community good enough?
9. Does rurality affect your access to healthcare?
10. Do you feel the Rural Crime Team spend enough time in the Harborough villages?