Alicia Kearns Encourages Local Small Businesses to Complete Survey Monday, 13 January, 2025 Alicia Kearns MP has launched a survey for small businesses in Rutland, Stamford, South Kesteven and the Harborough villages to feedback their views about any concerns or challenges they may be facing to ensure they receive the support needed. The short 10 question survey can be completed here. Alicia Kearns, Member of Parliament for Rutland and Stamford, said: "We are fortunate to have so many... Local News
Rutland and Melton bolstered by unprecedented measures announced by the Chancellor 11th June 2020 Rutland and Melton MP Alicia Kearns has welcomed the unprecedented support that residents have received during the COVID-19 pandemic. 12,400 Rutland and Melton... Local News
Three local Heroes recognised for ‘bringing joy’ 11th June 2020 Rutland and Melton MP Alicia Kearns has recognised three new local heroes for their outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Rutland’s Mark Daniels and... Local News
Melton Times Op-Ed 10th June 10th June 2020 The last weeks have been a challenging and sobering time for everyone. Not only are we battling COVID-19, but we are also witnessing the scourge of racism. The... Opinions
Ms Kearns raises HSBC and Standard Charter' support for China's National Security Law at FAC Meeting 9th June 2020 At a Foreign Affairs Committee meeting, Rutland and Melton MP Alicia Kearns asked how the Government works with businesses to ensure they work in partnership to... Speeches in Parliament
Alicia Kearns MP Calls for New Desecration of War Memorials Bill 9th June 2020 Alicia Kearns MP is calling for a new Bill together with a group of Conservative MPs and the Conservative Friends of the Armed Forces. The Desecration of War... Westminster News
Statement on the Murder of George Floyd 4th June 2020 The murder of George Floyd was heart-breaking, and although almost impossible to watch the video of his brutal murder, he deserved the respect of our not... Opinions
Two local restaurateurs recognised as Heroes 4th June 2020 Rutland and Melton MP Alicia Kearns has recognised two new local heroes for their outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic; Melton’s Uzzal Miah and Oakham... Local News
Rutland Times Op-Ed 7th June 2nd June 2020 We have made considerable progress in our efforts to defeat COVID-19 and have now met the five tests laid out by the Government, allowing us to slowly and... Opinions
'Phenomenal’ local woman recognised as Hero 28th May 2020 Rutland and Melton MP Alicia Kearns has recognised a new local hero for their outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic; the landlady of the Grapes Pub in... Local News